Friday, December 14, 2007

Drained... every drop...

here's why....
9.30-->open shop, leave at 12
12-2-->Lunch with mum
2-5-->House work(Sweep,clean, mop), bathed doggies
5-920-->Dance Practice
9.30-10.30-->Close Shop
finally HOME!

Wed doesn't need much of a description, cos it went pretty the same as tuesday except instead of dance it was dinner..... =)
9.30-->open shop, leave at 1045
11-4-->Dance Practice
4-5--> Travel to GWC to go to I.C
630-8.30-->Gong gong's anniversary mass, then dinner with the Tans.
9-11-->Close Shop
11-3-->Cherie TIME!
so i slept at 4 thurs, SOOOO... By fri... i was sooooooo out!

9.30-->open shop, leave at 1045
11-4-->Dance Practice
4-5--> Travel to GWC to go to I.C
And thank goodness since then i got to relax till i had to close up again..... PHEW!
I know it doesn't sound THAT draining, BUT, it's the travelling and intense dance practices that have really taken it's toll... IMAGINE i SLEPT in the bus while...STANDING!!!! LOL!!!

So Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Mon,Tues dance prac...WOOT!

Thank goodness the dance team keeps me sane with our crazy antics....=)

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