Friday, January 15, 2010

Post Xmas peektures!

Yes... Xmas was about... almost a month ago... and NOW then i'm posting up the Xmas pictures... hahaha!
Sorry, but I really had no time... Now that I don't have to report to the death eaters every day, i've now got that time...

On that Xmas dinner day...
1) Tiny pieces of paper were shred for "snow"
2) A board for everyone to fill up their wishes for this Xmas were given
3) 3 backdrop changes were made before Chris & I stuck THE ONE!
4) A twirling Xmas tree
5) Xmasy decorations were put up on our back drop stand

And TAH DAH!!!! A Xmas Shoot at click! Studios for the Lams + Tans + Chens + Kohs!

To everyone, I hope that your wishes come true...

Here are some pictures...=) MERRY POST CHRISTMAS PEOPLE!

So far this wish is coming true.... =)
And for Chris... =) it will it will... in time it will...For more pictures... click! HERE!

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