Thursday, January 18, 2007

Since i've got this blog up, i might as well make use of it too..rather than leave it for weekly posts... i think it's a good opportunity to "showcase" my love for photography...

I decided to make my way down to my favorite reservoir haunt for my sunset photo taking since the sun was out bright and strong during the day... upon reaching...sunset was a little disappointing as compared to the many times i've been there, but i managed to catch someone else there, soaking in the last bit of sunlight....

i love this picture..taking it was amazing..she didn't budge from her spot..and she let me snap away... i was barely 15cm away from her... i love taking pictures of animals..i've got a few of them... and expected...i'll constantly post them...

Well, since i'm on the topic of my favorite photo taking haunt, here's jsut a few i've taken there....all on different occasions...



Renhao said...

Gifted la Val. I like photography too, and who knows? Maybe I need a DSLR as a catalyst. You're right la, I can take good pictures with compacts, but you can only do so much when you have minimal control over the lens.

Birthday: 28 August. A-HINT-HEM!...

Sy said...

ahhhhh, so pretty! how long did you take to get this good?! i wanna learn to! wheeeeeeeee.

Vahlahweeeee said...

hey guys..thanks for the comments...=)renhao, i started out with a compact too... i "survived" on compact cameras for a yr or so...hahaha! i actually think it's good... doesn't get me too ambitious...i guess u could say my compact developed my "creative" view of things, then the SLR just boosted it...

thanks suying! how long? hahaha... errr...i dunno...well, i started taking these pics after i firstgot my SLR last yr in late June, so since then i've been taking pics whenever inspiration hits...=) IF the passion is there, the creative side will just develop i guess..

Ho Viet Hai said...

God named you as Photographer?
Amazing! Please post more of your photos. I love to see them!

Christabel said...

I am a fan of your works. Keep up the good work, we might have to collaborate one day.